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Toxic Dog Food List: What to Avoid for Your Pup's Health

Dog owners often enjoy giving their canine companions table scraps, but it's crucial to understand which human foods can be poisonous to dogs and why keeping them out of reach when you're away is important. In this post, our vets inBenicia provide a comprehensive list of foods that are toxic to dogs.

What food is toxic to my dog?

As responsible pet owners, we prioritize ensuring the health and well-being of our beloved dogs. Providing a safe and nutritious diet is a crucial aspect of their care. Unfortunately, some types of dog food can be toxic and harmful to our furry friends.

Below, we've compiled a list of common household foods that are toxic to dogs.

1. Xylitol-Containing Products

Xylitol, an artificial sweetener, commonly appears in sugar-free gum, candies, baked goods, and certain peanut butter brands. It poses a high toxicity risk to dogs, inducing a rapid insulin release that triggers a perilous drop in blood sugar levels. Symptoms of xylitol ingestion encompass vomiting, coordination loss, seizures, and potentially fatal liver failure. It's crucial to meticulously inspect ingredient labels and ensure xylitol-containing products remain inaccessible to your dog.

2. Chocolate and Caffeine

Never give dogs chocolate and caffeine-containing products, such as coffee grounds and energy drinks. These products contain methylxanthines, which can cause symptoms ranging from increased heart rate and agitation to seizures and even death.

3. Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins might appear harmless but can induce kidney failure in dogs. Even a small quantity can trigger severe illness, underscoring the importance of keeping them out of reach of your canine companion.

4. Onions and Garlic

Whether raw, cooked, or powdered, onions and garlic can damage a dog's red blood cell production and potentially lead to anemia. It's best to avoid feeding them any food that contains these ingredients, including certain seasonings and sauces.

5. Avocado

While avocados are a healthy fat that offers numerous health benefits for humans, they can be toxic to dogs. There is a content in avocados called persin which is damaging to dogs' GI tracts. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and pancreatitis in canines. 

6. Corn on the Cob

Although dogs can safely ingest corn kernels themselves, the cob (or pieces of it) are very difficult for your dog to pass through their system. Ingesting cob could lead to physical blockages and even tearing of the stomach lining.

7. Cooked Bones

Cooked bones pose an extreme danger for your dog when it comes to tearing the stomach. Though they aren't technically "toxic" or "poisonous," we firmly believe they deserve a spot on the list of foods you should never feed your dog.

Cooked chicken, beef, or pork bones have the potential to splinter while being chewed, causing tears in your dog's throat, intestine, and stomach lining.

Additionally, cooked bone marrow can be difficult for dogs to digest. A preferable alternative to this would be rawhide or dog bone treats approved by a veterinarian.

8. Alcohol

Even small doses of alcohol can significantly impact your dog's health. The components of alcohol can induce sickness and diarrhea in dogs, along with causing damage to their central nervous system. Ensure you refrain from giving your puppy any steak cooked with red wine!

What else do I avoid feeding my dog?

When it comes down to it, ensure you aren't feeding your dog something toxic by asking your veterinarian. Before habitually feeding your dog things from your plate, get clearance from your vet!

Additionally, remember that your dog's age, breed, and size can impact which foods are okay to feed and which ones aren't.

Always ask, and refrain from giving your dog a treat from your plate until you're absolutely certain it is safe to do so.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Do you think your dog ingested something potentially toxic? Contact our Benicia veterinarians immediately.

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